Monday, February 16, 2009
Loving you but not in love with you
I love you, but I'm not in love with you.
I want your friendship minus your desire.
I would not lead you falsely or betray you.
I feel the tenderness, but not the fire.
I have no reason for my lack of yearning,
No explanation for what I don't feel,
No other love to whom I might be turning,
No anguish to suggest this isn't real.
Passion is a horse that knows no master,
And I cannot with fences make it stay.
It must run free towards daylight or disaster,
Awake to glory in no other way.
So I must say what you don't want to hear,
But it's a truth that both of us must bear.
HAHAHA! so cooooooooolll :)
hmm.. okay. i think kai asked me to do this?? shall paste it here like her! LOL! :D
Rules:It's harder than it looks! Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag twenty people. Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real...nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.
1. What is your name: Pamela
2. A four Letter Word: pink (.. I can only think ofthat at the moment!)
3. A boy's Name: Paul
4. A girl's Name: Paige
5. An occupation: P-P-Policeman!!
6. A color: Purple :D
7. Something you'll wear: pants
9. A food: Pickle?
10. Something found in the bathroom: pipe
11. A place: paradise!!! hahahha
12. A reason for being late: poured prune juice down the drain? (I really dunno)
13. Something you'd shout: Peace! :D
14. A movie title: Pirates of the Carribean, pay it forward… PETER PAN!
15. Something you drink: Pepsi
16. A musical group: Paramore!
17. An animal: Panther!
18. A street name: Pickering street???
19. A type of car: Porsche :D
20. The title of a song : Pachelbel’s canon….umm. play my music…
hey everybody!!!!! hope you had an awesome valentine's day... :D lotsa lotsa love was in the air... :D thanks to everyone who gavew me presents and wishes... yay!! felt so loved... even if you didn't you know.. not that i blame you... :)
and and..... hmm..
SEC# ADVENTURE camp in a few days.... whoooooo! :) yay?! i dunno whether to be excited or.. you know.. oh well.. but i think i shall be excited.. actually kinda looking forward to it.. tho i'll prob be sharing tent with 3vietnamese scholars! :D tien, ngoc and nguyen! YAY! we shall have fun yeah??
today stay back to teach sec1s.. and though i asked you to come, you didn't.. what am i? superhero? i cant do it on my own.. didn't i say already we're together.. i need everyone's help! at least tell me if you're like cant make it :( you made me sad today.. it's not about me.. it's about us :p
but on the bright side.. our darlng sec1s learn sooooooo fast!!! yay!
xoxo ALYSHA!
hmm yeah..i guess that;s all for today...
OH!!! i'm going to fail all my science tests.. and mrs tan will come kill me :(
tomorrow bio!!!! test! oh no! study time...
i thank god for meeting someone as special as you! :)
Thursday, February 5, 2009

HAPPY BIRTHDAY chien wen!!!!
hmm my dating system for my blog entries are a little weird.. so umm.. all my entries are supposedly posted one day late... meaning m the entries are like supposed to be one day later..i think...
anyway.. 4feb... chien's birthday.. hmm she got a surprise back at the hostel yeah?? hope you liked it chien..
hmm and yesterday.. PE.. was so ................. tiring!!!!!!!!!!!! first we ran 7rounds no timing,, then it was laps.. which is 2 rounds in 2 minutes with 2min break in between.. but still.. it was like.. so tiring><>
and and then there was guides and we had around 20 sec ones.. yay.. GO MYNAH!
class shirt... :( tomorrows the julia gabriel debate thingy.. hope our school does well... yupp..!! and goooo ashley.. and other debators too... :D only treasure things when you've lost them... :)
Monday, February 2, 2009
okay.. there's some more.. dont get tired of reading yet...
hmm good job that 3/1 won first for CNY deco :D but i think other classes were so pretty to.. esp for sec threes.. cos tho everyone got new classmates.. they still worked together to get this done.. YAY! :)
hmm CNY performance in school was so cool! and FUNNY!!! hahaha and and... CNY celebrations were great too... on CNY eve.. we ate tuan yuan fan--reunion dinner at home with my grandmother and maid cooking yummy food.. it was DELICIOUS!!!! haha.. and then after that i think i watched some tv and played GAMES!! SO FUN! then slept around 3....
then next day NEW YEARS DAY! we went visiting and people came to our house... played with my cousins... both young and old.... well it was kinda a better choice then listening to grown ups talk...sometimes in languages i cant even understand.. hahaa
dont laugh..i bet some of you were like that too...
then second day of New year... went visiting again. and went to my grandmothers side..and we wanted to watch mama mia.. but then we had to go somewhere else.. so. yea.. didn't watch it :( oh but pineapple tarts were great!! my aunt was like my cousin can eat 50small ones while watching tv.. and i was like WHOA! .. :D and he said the only food he'd eat during CNY was prawn rolls, pineapple tarts.. and something else.. which i seem to have forgotten.. yupp.
then we had to go back to school on the third day,, and eveyone was so tired.. haha.. :D
then then.. okay.. today!!
and happy early birthday to CHIEN WEN!!
oaky.. so today we were supposed to go celebrate chien's birthday... and she wanted to EAT! so that's what we did!
kai, sweeying and me dressed up as nerd, bimbo and tourist respectively.. and we kinda surprised her... along the corridors..and then we pretended to be those people^ then we gave her her present! yay:) combined from 3of us... i hope she likes it!! <3
then we went to eat a light lunch at mc donalds.. and we had to wait for 230.. so we just walked around the shopping mall..yupp yupp. then we went to SWENSONS for ice cream! :D YUMMY and i did something so paiseh... SORRY GUYS... butt ywah.. i should learn never to laugh while drinking :p
mhmm.. then we had to go home :( but i guess it was a fun and great day out! :D haha..
i guess that's all for now.. i will try to constantly update my blog.. but.... yeah.. i guess you can see from my past records that my posting is very irregular.. so .... :D
pamela loves you!
hmm okay where to start? i think from the beginning would be great.. okay here goes...
we began school on the 2nd of january...and marie, clara tee, fariha and me were PSLs for one-seven! YAY!!!
one seven's cool:D and it has like loadsa lotsa people from everywhere really.. i think i honestly never met a more diverse class. and that's a good thing cos it made me see the many many different sides of people :) and get to knwo people better... one seven.. if you'er here at my blog.. JIAYOUs!! ;)
next THREE ONE!!!
three one is AWESOME!! :D soooooooooooo many foreign students.. i think when i first met them..i was like kinda "scared of them" hmm but now not so.. cos it's like you think just because they're from another country then they're like super different.. but ina ctual fact they're just as normal as me and you :p hhehe.... ANITA! my partner... so swwwweeettt :) yuppyupp.. other than the fact that most of the foreign students are like waaaay smarter than me;P they're COOL! yay! go three one.. hope we'll become bonded and stuff.. then we can be like international friends...
hmm but i do miss two-one08 :)
hmm what's next? i dunno... umm umm
HAPPY niu YEAR!! happy chinese new year to everyone.. okay it's a bit late.. but still... :D
hope everyone wll have a great 2009 and all wishes will come true.......... :D