i'm back.. and my blog should be alive sooooooooonn!!!
or at least i'll try my very best to do that kay... :D
there are tons TONS of camps to blog about...
SEC 3 ADVENTURE CAMP! 19,20,21 march 2009
then in the hols there was three!!!!! almost all at one shot..
CLUSTER CAMP! 14 march 2009
STUDENT LEADERS CAMP! 16,17 march 2009
GUIDES COMBINED CAMP! 18,19 march 2009
whooooooo loved all of them.. i think i'm like addicted to camping or something..
it's kinda like.. i just love that feeling.. not that i dont like home.. but it's kinda a nice feeling too...:D
okayy.. ssec 3 adventure camp..
it was really awesome.. i learnt soo much more about my classmates :D and i think i made lotsa new friends?? YAY!!! i think this was a really good opportunity for us to bond and all tht :) no i'm not being typically cliche or anything.. i'm sure lotsa people who were at the camp felt that way too..
there was like so many exciting activites and all... and the trainers and a;; were really funny and supportive and cool and encouraging and made the camp experience much much FUN-ner!!!!!! :D
GO 3/1 !!!! :D
hmm high elements... i'm really grateful for all the people who were there to support and encourage me and all :D
especially amanda ng! cos she went up the high thingy with me... believe it or not.. i didn't think that i'd have the guts to go and try it.. cos i'm kinda scared of heights.. but with a friend with you up there.. it feels much much better!! and i guess we both helped each other to "overcome" a little! ;)
then there was DRAGON BOATING!
it was sooooooooo fun!!! although our calss was split and me and some other people joined with some 3/4 people.. i learnt how to dragon boat! yay :) and co operate and stuff like that.. thanks for the experience ! :D
next..march holidays.. it wasn't really much of a holiday.. cos i had to go back to school practically everyday! except sundays...and teachers gave like tons of homework..but i guess all in all it was a great week!
hmmm... on saturday.. i had cluster camp...it's a camp where primary schools were invited to come to a camp organised by our IJ sec sec3s! :D i was in charger of a game with ANDREA!!! :D and we had loadsa fun.. hahahaha.. got to know andrea.. hmm.. she's in gym.. she's a really sweet girl!!! :D and lotsa lotsa more.. not going to write all here.... yupp :) then at the end of tha camp.. all the "organising" people celebrated shi pei's belated birthday!! with a cake too! :D
HAPPY belated BIRTHDAY SHI PEI!!!!!!! :)
i guess all this prepatation for cluster camp has made everybody learn how to manage time and work with each other.. i'm sooooo glad it turned out well.. righttt ?? :D happy!!!!!!!!!!!!
sunday.. tried to do some of my homework.. went to get a new phone.. okay.. maybe it's not soooo new.. but it's new to me.. cos my phone would finally have bluetooth!!! :D sorry lah.. my previous phoneS didn't have bluetooth...but now it has! and it's a lovely cheery RED! tho i liked the blue colour better.. but it was like $100 more... :(
monday... student leaders camp!!!!
fantastic!! it was organised by ruth.. sarah toh's sister... and i made new friends and learnt new stuff here too.. it was a super fun camp :D
got to know nia better... and myself too.. and learnt how to manage time... the games were fun mannn... there was one that had like watermelon and coffee mixture on chairs and we had to slide from both ends to the middle and meet someone then scissors paper stone and the winner had to try to cross over to the other side.. and when or if the whole team manages to cross oer safely...this was one of the most dirtiest games i the whole camp.. and my butt got ain after that.. but it was great fun.., something different from the usual water bomb etc.. oh and the watermelon-coffee really looked like poooo...then we had to plan for a party on the 2nd day.. and we had to write proposal and get fod and deco and performance and all ready in one days time!!! and it was incredible.. cos in the end we managed to do it!!! GO SEC 3S!!!!! :D
tuesday.. went home... then realised that i didn't have my sleeping bag.. thought i left it in the drink stall or something .. but it wasn't there.. then i thought i left it in school.. called sarah.. founf out it was i school.. oops...thank you ruth,.. for helping me keep it in the council room!!! cos i needed it the next day.. for guide camp!!!!!!!!!!!
wednesday...GUIDES COMBINE CAMP with catholic high scouts.. this was one of the BEST camps i ever went for!!!!!!! tiring but really really had a great time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hmm.. i was in group2!!!!!! YAY! with melissa, sherwynn, jasmine, anabelle, hannah and olivia.. (hope i didn't miss out anyone.. if i did.. i'm really really sorry!!!!) o and scouts.. hmm i dont think i know all of their names :P wait ah.. i try to remember.. there's zhi jian,gabriel,carrey,warren,winston and 2 others i think.. yupp... and group 2 was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!! we couldnt really think of a group name at first.. so the scouts decided to just go with their patrol name.. eagles... so eagles we were...:D
we had outdoor cooking!
and pioneering.. structure righttt??
and orienteering... and.. hmm games!!!!!!!
all of the stuff.. we mainly learned from the scouts..and they're so PRO!!!!!
and fast.. but feel kinda guilty.. cos they got punished quite a lot.. and we didn't really help them... must be more helpful next time.... :) sorry scouts...
oh... and used the AXE! to chop wood.. never knew it was so difficuolt.. must have angle to aim some more...and outdoor cooking.. the fire was started soooo fast... really cool that part... :D and the fire could be maintained :D scouts so talented... haha
then it was structure.. supposed to build a tower.. and it was a tripod with stabilisers and ladder.. then the scouts climbed up the structure to tie more stuff on top.. it was reallly cool cos i've never seen anyone climb up their own structure and all to tie... but we didn't really dare climb up and try...so umm yeahh.. :)
then hike to toa payoh.. whooo.. so far... ;) but i guess it's supposed to be like that... we were the last group to leave cat high.. so we didn't go to all the checkpoints...and reached school one of the last teams.. hmm but at least we managed to do it as a team! :D
then dinner.. and bathed...
then it was initiation.i was with hannah.. whoops.. sorry if i was annoying you, hannah.. but hannah was GREAT buddy to walk with! :D she was telling me stuff about her class and all.. so i wouldn't freak myself out... hmm it's not so good to be scared of the dark.. but i couldnt help it... oh and so sorry to the scouts who were with us cos you'll couldn't really have your fun.. cos we were a little scared...but thanks for not scaring us :D
next day.. woke up.. PT!... was....... o.o
scouts so fit! then make us play captains ball against them.., hm not exactly the smartest idea... :O and the ventures were like throwing balls from one end of the court to the other... how could we measure.... haha
then breakfast.. yum yum..
and prepare for item i think...the theme was hi and bye..and we did a king and queen finding suitors for her daughter.. and we won best item in the end! WHOOOOHOOO! thank you group2.. esp the scouts for their fantastic acting! and GUIDES TOO :)
friday...bio life science programme in school.. learnt more about DNA and stuff like that.. we used that expensive pipette thingy to extract dna or something... mann. i still cant use that properly...but i shall learn some day! :D
saturday...buddy walk.. WORLD DOWN SYNDROME DAY!
sunday... chiong as much homewrok as i can.. too bad it didn't work..
monday! today! thank goodness the tests were not today.. at least got a little more time to study..but i think im still going to fail :( okay.. i should stop writing my loooooooong story noww..
catch up with y'all later! :D
i miss you.. loads...wish i could get to know you better...
time flies when you're having fun...xoxo..i love you :)